Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Our First iMotion Movies

Today the students were given the challenge of creating an iMotion movie using lego as their materials

They had to work collaboratively in ...

  • deciding what they were going to create.
  • moving the pieces into place.
  • following directions from the camera operator.
  • decide and share out the tasks to complete the challenge within an hour.
Viktor and Jackson giving direction to Bobby (not seen)

Here are our first attempts at iMotion movies.


  1. Amazing work :) .....Just one correction. It is Viktor NOT Victor :)

    1. Thanks for taking the time to give feedback and yes totally agree with you AMAZING work. Thanks for the pick up on Viktor's name. I have changed it on his iMotion. Mrs T

  2. Awesome! Very clever kids and teacher :-). Thank you so much for giving them these opportunities!
